Town of Franklin
Kewaunee County
The Franklin Town Board will meet January 13, 2025 following the Public Hearing that starts at 6:30pm at the Franklin Town Hall for their monthly meeting. The agenda and previous month’s minutes can be found here.
By Order of the Franklin Town Board
Suzi Sevcik, Town Clerk
On Monday January 13, 2025, The town of Franklin Town Board will hold a Public Hearings at 6:30PM at the Franklin Town Hall.
The hearing is to hear testimony regarding applications for a Land Division and Rezone. The parcel involved is in NE 1/4 of the NE1/4 of section 11.
This is the Franklin Planning Commission’s recommendation to the Town of Franklin Town Board regarding applications for Land Division and Rezone of properties in the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of section 11.
Address is E2029 Cty Rd J, Kewaunee WI 54216
Approve Land Division application that would sub divide parcels 31008 11.01 and 31008 11.011 so as to create a new lot that would include the present residence and car garage with a minimum of 1.5 acre . All setbacks and road frontage for all parcels must be met as required in the districts that will exist after the land division and Rezoning is complete.
Approve the rezone of that portion of lot 31008.01 that is subdivided to create the new residential parcel from A2 to RR. Rezone that portion of lot 31008 11 .011 that is sub divide to create the new residential lot from A3 to RR. A final sketch showing approximate new lot lines with setback dimensions must be presented at the Public hearing
Any resident or interested party who wishes to be heard is welcome to attend this meeting.
By order of the Franklin Town Board.
Suzi Sevcik, Town Clerk
Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County
Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County