N1885 County Road AB, Denmark WI 54208

To the Electors of the Town of Franklin:

Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 5.84(1) notice is hereby given that a public test of the following election equipment will take place at the Franklin Town Hall, N1885 Cty Rd AB, Denmark WI 54208:

ImageCast Evolution (ICE) – will tabulate optical scan ballots to be used to canvas votes for the April 1, 2025 Election

March 25, 2025. 11am.

All members of the public interested in viewing this public test are urged to be present at the stated  time and place. 

Suzi Sevcik, Town Clerk

Town of Franklin
Kewaunee County

The Franklin Town Board will meet March 10, 2025 at 7:00pm at the Franklin Town Hall for their monthly meeting. The agenda and previous month’s minutes can be found here.

By Order of the Franklin Town Board

Suzi Sevcik, Town Clerk

Notice that the Assessment Roll is Open for Examination and Open Book

Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 70.45, Assessor will hold hours for examining the assessed values in the assessment roll for the Year 2025.

This Open Book will be held by telephone only. Taxpayers are asked to contact the Assessor for a phone conference to be held on the below given date.

Thursday April 10, 2025 from 9:00am to 11:00 AM

Action Appraisers – 1-888-796-0603

Notice of Board of Review Two-Hour Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Review for the Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, shall hold its first meeting on April 30, 2025 from 6PM at the Franklin Town Hall. Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board of Review:

Click here for full notice


Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County
The Town Board of the Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows:
The town board is authorized to enter into a public contract with Kewaunee County Highway Department, as defined under s. 60.47 (1), Wis. stats., with an estimated cost of the public contract to the town of more than $5,000, but not more than $25,000, to be executed by the town board or its agents after October 14, 2024.
Due to the estimated cost of $10,465.53 the public contract to the Town of Franklin, the town clerk shall publish this resolution as a class 1 notice under s. 985.07, Wis. stats., before the above-noted public contract execution date as required under s. 60.47 (2) (a), Wis. stats.
Any person interested in the proposed public contract to be executed shall contact Town Clerk, Suzi Sevcik at 920-362-8299 prior to October 20, 2024.
Adopted this 14th day of October, 2024.
By order of the Franklin Town Board
Attest: Suzi Sevcik, Town Clerk
Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County
The Town Board of the Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows:
The town board is authorized to enter into a public contract with Fall Rite Tree Service, as defined under s. 60.47 (1), Wis. stats., with an estimated cost of the public contract to the town of more than $5,000, but not more than $25,000, to be executed by the town board or its agents after September 4, 2024.
Due to the estimated cost of $11,400 the public contract to the Town of Franklin, the town clerk shall publish this resolution as a class 1 notice under s. 985.07, Wis. stats., before the above-noted public contract execution date as required under s. 60.47 (2) (a), Wis. stats.
Any person interested in the proposed public contract to be executed shall contact Town Clerk, Suzi Sevcik at 920-362-8299 prior to September 5, 2024.
Adopted this 28th day of August, 2024.
By order of the Franklin Town Board
Attest: Suzi Sevcik, Town Clerk